Friday 4 May 2018

May, happiness month

This month I am doing something a little different. My work mum gets this TreatBox sent to her every month and it has some super cute little random things. May's box contained: Anatomicals strawberry and yarrow face mask, totes amaze tote bag, 4 mini cards (which have Calm, Breath, Believe and Smile written on them), a little card, two little coffee bags, Gnaw strawberry and vanilla white chocolate, daily concepts exfoliating scrubber and a calendar.

Now out of all of that amazing stuff I am focusing on the calendar in this post and the reason why is because it's not just a normal month one it's a May happy checklist. There is something different to do every day and as soon as I see it in the box I thought I need to do this, so I kind of borrowed it.

1st - Start a journal
2nd - Listen to your favourite music
3rd - Make someone smile
4th - Eat your vitamins/greens
5th - Catch the sunset
6th - Have a PJ day
7th - Look up at the stars
8th - Eat a sweet treat
9th - Plan your next adventure
10th - Buy your favourite flowers
11th - Hydrate
12th - Watch your favourite movie
13th - Go for a walk
14th - Have a coffee in the sunshine
15th - Pamper yourself
16th - Random act of kindness
17th - Have an early night
18th - Spend time with friends
19th - Treat yourself
20th - Cook something different
21st - Don't be so hard on yourself
22nd - Post a hand written card
23rd - Learn something new
24th - Make a smoothie
25th - Exfoliate
26th - Have a tasty breakfast
27th - Plant a seed
28th - Meditate for 10 minutes
29th - Get creative (arty/crafty)
30th - Invite a friend for tea
31st - Whatever is good for your soul. Do that!

A smoothie card was included which is great for the 24th, it does sound very yummy, I might have to change some of the ingredients as I am not a massive fan of coconut.
Unfortunately as the box didn't arrive before the 1st so I was unable to complete the first few days but I will try each day throughout the month to tick them off.
Are you trying anything new this month?
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